[software - eyecandy] - the Really Slick Screensavers collection
Jugglesaver (in the settings, set the "change frequency" slider to Often)
the electric sheep screen-saver, a distributed-computing project, for generating abstract morphing fractal animations, by scott draves.
Folding@Home, distributed-computing project, not as pretty, but helps science!
and then, some pseudoscreensavers (you have to start and exit these manually):
Noah's AcidWarp, a real classic.
and the more basic classic, plasma (zip of my copy, cant find source online)
Drivey: a road slightly less travelled
scott draves also makes bomb visual music, an ultra lo-fi industrial eyeache. think tv-snow, with occasional epilepsy, and virii-like wriggling organisms.
BallDroppings, not a saver at all, but once you've setup/played with it for a few minutes, you could leave it running ;)
[firefox + thunderbird] - i just moved from using the mozilla suite, to firefox & thunderbird, and have a few recommendations for extensions, to get them performing more like mozilla/opera. and just look at all that empty screenspace!
also suggested is to download my user.js, and place it in your profile directory.
finally, download these searchplugins, and put them here
[software] - (last updated jan 2010)
these are the few firefox extensions i recommend. stable and intelligent. i use them all.
[firefox + thunderbird-
[f] - DictionarySearch - add to the right-click contextmenu searches (Wikipedia, etc)
[f] - customize google - add links to yahoo, flickr, wayback machine, etc. + adds anonymity, + more. (+ wikipedia-mirror filter)
[f] - All-in-One Sidebar - sidebar popout
[f] - FireGestures - mouse gestures
[f] - Screengrab - full page screenshots
[f] - permit cookies - disable cookies, then whitelist single sites with alt-c
[t] - email notification randomizer - plays sound files from a directory (I use merriam-webster.com pronunciations)
[t] - allow empty subject in emails - tiny fix
[f] - web developer extension - lots and lots of tools
[f] - colorzilla - colorpick from webpages, and a useful palette.
intro: There's this article from aug '01 at webmonkey, which offers a little history, doesnt really like any of the contenders (says morpheus and limewire were the best of the bunch), warns against the horrors of audiogalaxy (which you shouldnt be using anyway, its spyware), and offers some coherent explanations for why none compare to the peak of napster's time (page 3). Even better is this sept '01 article at infoanarchy.
Comprehensive lists and some reviews can be found at infoanarchy (best info source) (recent roundup in bottom paragraph of article), open-nap, nonap (overly simplified), zeropaid (dubious quality) (recent comments), and of course google.
The results? Things are still in (rapid) development. Options for the discerning audio connoisseur who misses the golden age of napster are still disheartening (nothing yet offers as much speed and selection as it once did). The best of the current bunch are: Winmx (open-nap network); Gnucleus, Gnotella and Limewire (gnutella network); and the independants Filetopia, and Freenet look promising. However, with upcoming new releases for many of these, i'm going to resist temptation for another few months, and get back to the things that i'm meant to be doing. *cough*.