archive: read
January 01, 2006 - 01:31 PM

September 21, 2005 - 12:08 AM

[read] - Crossed, Tangled, Braided (

Wired News: In Asia, the Eyes Have It

The Pre-Game Show, The Game is Afoot, and Endgame, by Matthew Baldwin. "Thirty-two hours in a van, scavenging for clues and solving puzzles - that's "the Game"".

The Word on the Street - "The cumulative genius of Overheard in New York." (via)

BBC NEWS | Norway's formula for a happy life and Norway's unique brand of pacifism.

(pictured is an ambigram. galleries here)

June 21, 2005 - 09:12 PM

June 18, 2005 - 12:41 PM

June 02, 2005 - 12:47 PM

March 12, 2005 - 12:35 AM

March 06, 2005 - 06:41 PM
[words] - Circling Chicago (see also la petite mort)

February 14, 2005 - 01:58 PM
[read] - A genius explains (via)

January 06, 2005 - 12:54 AM
[proclaim] - I will suck the smell of grilled moron greedily down into my lungs. nicely supplemented by the Edge Annual Question, "What do you believe is true even though you cannot prove it?" (snippets and comments at

October 16, 2004 - 12:38 AM

August 08, 2004 - 06:39 PM

June 02, 2004 - 03:25 AM
[read] - Cold Turkey by Kurt Vonnegut

April 18, 2004 - 11:12 PM

December 18, 2003 - 03:58 PM

October 22, 2003 - 01:49 PM
[bees] - make yourself some toast and read this.

October 05, 2003 - 08:31 PM
[social engineering] - Project Names and Borges Numbers

August 21, 2003 - 10:10 PM
[ode] - to the geek strumpet. so, very, yes.

August 19, 2003 - 08:25 PM

August 09, 2003 - 04:39 PM
[absorb] - The people behind TED(invite-only genius conference) have put together a book called Understanding USA(flash teaser site), filled with yummy scrummy infographics demographics and chart-candy. you should download the sucker(45mb pdf file, zipped), and peruse at leisure (or buy it, preferably ordered locally). you can also read an article about the creation of the project at fastcompany - Information as if Understanding Mattered.

August 09, 2003 - 03:38 PM
[reality] - | On the existence of God... "I do not consider myself 'agnostic' about Mind-Control Cheese."

July 24, 2003 - 12:53 PM
[read] - interview with Brian Eno

July 01, 2003 - 03:20 PM

June 27, 2003 - 06:53 PM
[reality] - The Brights Net "A Bright -- a person with a naturalistic worldview. A Bright's worldview is free of supernatural and mystical elements. Brights base their ethics and actions on a naturalistic worldview, one free of any deities, fairies, angels, ghosts, demons, sprites, etc."
I'm not sure about their choice of word to use as a label, but its a fine idea.
"By adopting and using the new noun term, we collectively surmount a diverse "philosophical lexicon" which blurs and disguises what is actually a critical cultural commonality... [of] atheists, agnostics, humanists, freethinkers, rationalists, skeptics, secular humanists, naturalists, existentialists, materialists, igtheists, objectivists, [etc]".
also an essay by richard dawkins

June 08, 2003 - 12:04 PM
[read] - great interview with Darby Conley, creator of Get Fuzzy

May 03, 2003 - 12:09 PM

April 24, 2003 - 09:14 PM
[read] - From the EmergingTech conference - megnut's presentation notes/slides. and some notes on Howard Rheingold's keynote. and kottke is worth absorbing in entirety - i'm loving this attendance by proxy. Conferences have high meme dispersal yields; and the voyeuristic vicariousness doesn't hurt.

April 24, 2003 - 02:00 AM
[read] - . watch a community develop

April 09, 2003 - 11:28 PM

April 08, 2003 - 11:53 PM

April 07, 2003 - 04:55 PM

April 07, 2003 - 04:50 PM

March 29, 2003 - 04:38 PM
[read] - Joel on Software - Finding an Office in New York City. oh what a marvellously conniving species we are.

March 27, 2003 - 06:49 PM

March 26, 2003 - 02:23 PM
[read] - unsure whether to buy the book? (you should). then read the forum: Engaged: Conference: inkwell.vue: Howard Rheingold

March 25, 2003 - 02:35 PM

March 25, 2003 - 12:11 PM
[read] - Will Wright at PC Forum 2003. cory's notes.

March 22, 2003 - 04:35 PM

March 11, 2003 - 12:04 AM

March 07, 2003 - 09:47 PM
[read] - Educational Paradigm - teaching models: transfer theory, shaping theory, growing theory, travelling theory

March 05, 2003 - 01:11 PM
[read] - BkBkBk

February 14, 2003 - 12:30 PM

January 25, 2003 - 08:30 PM
[important idea virus] - wandering around the notebooks , i came across the original description of memes.
"Examples of memes are tunes, ideas, catch-phrases, clothes fashions, ways of making pots or of building arches. Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body via sperm or eggs, so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a process which, in the broad sense, can be called imitation. If a scientist hears, or reads about, a good idea, he passes it on to his colleagues and students. He mentions it in his articles and his lectures. If the idea catches on, it can be said to propagate itself, spreading from brain to brain."

October 06, 2002 - 02:31 AM
[travel] - The mystical reverse penhold backhand.

October 03, 2002 - 07:54 PM
[bzzz] - excavation

May 03, 2002 - 08:32 PM
oh, fuck.
and also, fuck verisign.

February 05, 2002 - 10:30 AM
Ftrain. "He is keeping me calm, giving me this sense that men, if they are serious about life, grow into something useful, thoughtful, humble."

January 31, 2002 - 12:57 PM
Gibson on japan. "... and truly, there is something in the quality of a good translation that can never be captured in the original.". heehee.

January 13, 2002 - 08:41 PM
[brain candy] - the marvellous things you find whilst searching for quotes online. "all human brains!"

January 01, 2002 - 08:31 PM
Sousveillance as an alternative balance.

November 18, 2001 - 12:07 AM

November 16, 2001 - 11:26 AM

October 30, 2001 - 09:55 PM
sobering. Ftrain: Sticker

October 20, 2001 - 08:27 PM
Necoro at

October 16, 2001 - 01:50 AM

July 24, 2001 - 04:46 PM

July 18, 2001 - 12:51 AM
Open Brackets. Relax, it's later than you think.

July 13, 2001 - 11:50 PM
Interviews at The Well. Start with Terry Pratchett, and Bruce Sterling, then wander.

June 22, 2001 - 10:14 AM
Interview with Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett.

June 11, 2001 - 11:51 PM
Seven Vices of Highly Creative People
"I slam my fist on the table. "We need a book about the 7 Vices of Highly Creative People before the whole country ends up in a straitjacket!" Bobby agrees enthusiastically, grabs a stack of napkins and begins writing. All the years we've spent studying history and literature are finally paying off. It isn't easy. But after six hours and five pitchers we finish the job."

November 04, 2000 - 09:40 PM

August 31, 2000 - 02:00 PM

what the hell. i'll try some more.
vote: lottery [via camworld]

June 10, 2000 - 10:25 PM

Driver Down: "Like eating soup with pantyhose over your head.", which is both a quote from, and a fairly accurate description of Mark Drivers latest rant.
i've got to be cynical sometimes....

May 30, 2000 - 02:43 PM
talking of meat....