« October 2005 | November 2005 | December 2005 »

November 30, 2005 - 12:18 AM

[toys] - Circus Punk one-off, and more toys from DYZPlastic by Andrew Bell of the Creatures in my Head webcomic. [commercial illustration work at Dead Zebra, Inc (click the stripes. turn off sound bottom left)]

"Klong cannot see or hear you but senses your kindness"

kiss & bajs. blame sweden. (via)

Damon Soule paintings and a kid robot
peter arnell's kid robot
more photos from the Kid Robot Munny show

Michael Lau: 6-inch miniGardeners and Hero 108 Cannon Turtle 075 (via)

I.nsurgent W.ilderness G.ruppo

Frank vinyl figure set

The Polymer Musings of Meredith Dittmar. also her 22 My Guy dioramas

Mechanical toys

November 28, 2005 - 11:05 AM

[video] - Anime life(41mb) by 1st Avenue Machine (via)

noitulovE(6mb) by Framestore

Insanely Twisted Shadow Puppets by Michel Gagné, see also his illustrations.

HjÀrnkontoret TV(9mb) from my little eskimo (via)

Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach take on the marimba (via). see also The Video Game Pianist.

characters in motion book and 3hr dvd - trailer (25mb) - by Pictoplasma (i also want their other 2 books: Pictoplasma and Pictoplasma 2) (via)

November 26, 2005 - 10:36 AM

[wallpaper] - (previously)
Sensitive Light photography.

the Creatures in my Head illustration and paintings

Domo-Kun (scroll down) (explanation)

Tex Avery illustration

Me Company illustrations, in a popup laden interface.

Image gallery 41 pages of abstract and digital art.

WallpaperStock asst selection.

keaggy has 4 pages of desktops.

November 24, 2005 - 12:03 AM

[art] - Silicon Gardens

Popaganda, The Art and Subversion of Ron English. 13 pages.

Vincent Di Nguyen illustrations (via)

retrovisor cutoff, insomnia, mnemotecnia, and more. (via)

Remedios Varo painted Personages.

Yuko Shimizu illustrations (some NSFW content, and slithee popup navigation) including another great wave homage.

Tara McPherson soft, bold, illustrations and posters.

eendar fuzzy illustration. (via)

November 22, 2005 - 8:36 AM

[transport] - Saskatchewan Snowmobile

Robotic racers achieve milestone. the first car to successfully complete DARPA's autonomous robot vehicle race. see also the Ghostrider Robot.

whilst i'm highly amused by the variety, and basic concept, of the popemobile (pejorative perturbs prior pontiff) , the newly required buddhist sidecar is quite sad.

GEN H-4 Personal Helicopter

Freeline skates - demo movie(6mb)

November 20, 2005 - 12:31 AM

November 18, 2005 - 12:27 AM

November 16, 2005 - 11:01 AM

November 14, 2005 - 10:04 AM

November 12, 2005 - 12:13 AM

November 10, 2005 - 12:01 AM

[architecture] - Nakagin Capsule Tower meltdown. see also this 5 page gallery, and click the bottom 2 photos here.

Made In Japan apt building, Reversible Destiny Lofts, by Shusaku Arakawa, creator of The Site of Reversible Destiny Park mentioned earlier.

Ungodly uses for churches

TWA Terminal, JFK Airport, Eero Saarinen

the Elephant Tower in Bangkok, via this thread on ugly skyscrapers.

fruit bus stops

November 8, 2005 - 9:08 AM

November 6, 2005 - 9:23 AM

[transport] - 1938 Maserati 8CTF in minty mint condition. Tons more eye candy at

1935 Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic (more in links) (among my top 5 cars) and more historical Bugattis.
see also the 1938 Phantom Corsair (more)

Suzuki LC concept. more. oh so cute (which never survives through to production..), though it's not quite a Nissan Pao (more more more more) (another of my top 5 cars)

Smart Crosstown concept. (more more more more)

VW EcoRacer concept

Jeep Willys 2001 concept (more)

Mini Concept Tokyo. yikes. though if they lost the gold tires/grill, and the seat upholstery, it'd be really kinda nifty.

November 4, 2005 - 9:32 AM

[fashion] - the sequel to the book Fruits just came out: Fresh Fruits. a "collection of Tokyo street fashion portraits from Japan's premier street fanzine". some samples, an overview article, a covershot, and an interview with the author Shoichi Aoki.

Soutien-gorge chamallow *cough*.

Hat head.

Braniff's Pucci Style

Fashion by Hussein Chalayan (more) (collections)

Shoewawa: Ugly Shoes and Manolo's The Gallery of The Horrors. (and of course, Go Fug Yourself, for the full body effect)

November 2, 2005 - 9:01 AM