April 30, 2005 -
07:33 PM
[art] - Yay Hooray! blog, pictures of art shows i'd love to see, sam flores, luke chueh, and blaine fontana
April 28, 2005 -
06:21 PM
[video] - Animal Planet :: Spy on the Wild :: Bird Technology. eagle mounted cam. wait for interface to load, then click "mini-cam in action". stunning.
April 23, 2005 -
02:18 AM
[photography] - Ruins deflation spiral - place of my secret -. babelised gallery of abandoned themepark. (thanks saen)
April 23, 2005 -
02:15 AM
[art] - Pablo Castillo's sculptures
April 22, 2005 -
02:57 PM
April 18, 2005 -
04:10 PM
[architecture] - more Seattle Library pics
April 09, 2005 -
04:14 PM
[design] - SHOPS IMAGINATION / SPOOL (browse the dropdown lists for more.)
April 04, 2005 -
02:24 AM
[film] - Touch the Sound - tts_trailer_360_02.mov
April 03, 2005 -
12:51 PM
[days] - spring backwards, fall on your face.