April 30, 2003 -
12:43 AM
[music] - talking of slippery slopes, this sounds even better than it looks.
April 29, 2003 -
10:51 PM
[art] - 2003 kinetic sculpture race (via slashdot)
April 29, 2003 -
11:51 AM
[books] - everyone in silico just arrived. can't put it down. thanks jim :)
April 27, 2003 -
11:54 PM
[art] - that's one impressive collection of radios.
April 27, 2003 -
1:17 PM
April 26, 2003 -
9:01 PM
[fun-ness] - web zen : body part zen
April 26, 2003 -
8:07 PM
[photography] - Miksang Gallery and Visual Haiku Gallery
April 25, 2003 -
11:21 PM
[games] - you owe it to yourself to download the free Flying Model Simulator. fly the glider, absolute tranquility by the spoonful.
April 24, 2003 -
9:14 PM
[read] - From the EmergingTech conference - megnut's presentation notes/slides. and some notes on Howard Rheingold's keynote. and kottke is worth absorbing in entirety - i'm loving this attendance by proxy. Conferences have high meme dispersal yields; and the voyeuristic vicariousness doesn't hurt.
April 24, 2003 -
8:56 PM
[life/games] - Deep play
April 24, 2003 -
2:00 AM
[read] - marginwalker.org . watch a community develop
April 24, 2003 -
1:26 AM
[art] - Bozack Nation #002 for both nibbling and chewing. photography, graffiti and illustration.
April 24, 2003 -
1:03 AM
[art] - Arturo Herrera: Almost Home
April 24, 2003 -
12:50 AM
[buyme] - Shop For the Masses
April 23, 2003 -
5:06 PM
[books] - ook! ook! *points excitedly* Internet Archive Bookmobile
April 23, 2003 -
3:38 PM
[mumble] - [edited for errors. due to editor incompetance. nothing to see here, move along, move along.]
April 22, 2003 -
8:16 PM
[photography] - Theme Thursday and Photo Friday
April 22, 2003 -
4:05 PM
[photography] - combine 1 cup of Bright Blue Sun: From the Car, with half a carton of Peter Murphy's Panoramic VR Weblog and a splash of photographica, for next years killer app. Something neck mounted in black cotton please. 1 frame per 5/sec.
April 21, 2003 -
2:19 PM
[reality] - all good things in moderation. happy birthday.
April 21, 2003 -
2:11 PM
[toy] - The ScareFactory Catalog. 13' animatronic houseguest anyone?
April 21, 2003 -
1:46 PM
[map/read] - Semantic Networks
April 21, 2003 -
12:13 PM
[writing] - bIPlog: Revolution is not an AOL Keyword (via slashdot) (now with added hyperlinks!)
April 20, 2003 -
2:24 PM
[photography] - hundertwasser building construction time lapse.
April 17, 2003 -
4:43 PM
[art] - skateboardgraphics (via coudal)
April 17, 2003 -
4:42 PM
[design] - Museum of Coathangers (via coudal)
April 17, 2003 -
1:19 AM
[blog] - Third Annual Weblog Awards. for your depraved clicking pleasure.
April 14, 2003 -
10:24 AM
[art] - Saatchi's new gallery looks intriguing. see the picture highlights especially. and more photos at the guardian.
April 13, 2003 -
12:03 AM
[art] - Virtual Wave Tank. too much fun!
April 11, 2003 -
1:49 PM
[toys] - to not give children. critterbox (via reverse cowgirl)
April 11, 2003 -
1:05 AM
[allergies? pah! bring on the] - smart dust
April 11, 2003 -
12:42 AM
[watches] - jaz derby, waltham, uranus, tv, gp, RC-20, ikepod, beach star, moonphase, anker, neo water, piano, seamonkey, gumby, star wars, pez,
April 10, 2003 -
1:34 AM
[this post brought to you by the 2003 webbies nominees] -
CBC Radio 3 | Music and Modern Media - broadband musicand a slew more
Homeless - broadband documentary
art.com - peruse or purchase
brainpop - edutainment, meet flash
japanese streets - in the spirit of fruits
April 9, 2003 -
11:28 PM
April 9, 2003 -
10:48 PM
[art] - Recursive
April 9, 2003 -
9:32 PM
[news] - My Oscar "Backlash" by Michael Moore
April 9, 2003 -
1:19 PM
[art] - naked (via harrumph)
April 9, 2003 -
1:18 PM
[map] - Ecosystem of Networks (via joi ito)
April 8, 2003 -
11:53 PM
[read\scenarios] - Global Trends 2015: A Dialogue About the Future With Nongovernment Experts.
April 8, 2003 -
12:37 PM
[invent] - Tachi Laboratory toys (via memepool)
April 7, 2003 -
4:55 PM
April 7, 2003 -
4:50 PM
April 7, 2003 -
12:23 PM
[architecture] - The Mushroom House (via caterina)
April 6, 2003 -
4:47 PM
[photography] - creating a band promo photo. (via xblog)
April 5, 2003 -
8:02 PM
[furniture] - Strato Cucine. italian kitchen design, flash site.
April 5, 2003 -
1:11 PM
[blog] - No Commercial Potential is back online. ikea jealousy rising...
April 5, 2003 -
12:12 PM
[art] - La Luz de Jesus Presents Uncommercial Art By Commercial Artists (via gmt+9)
April 4, 2003 -
10:07 PM
[video] - Bravo.ca music videos. far left sidebar: video number 5, Gotan project. video number 10, Yun-di Li on piano. and video number 6, lemon jelly. (realplayer, hi bandw)
April 3, 2003 -
6:19 PM
[wtf?] - CNN.com Specials. not satire? sigh.
April 1, 2003 -
5:39 PM
[art] - PIPS:lab light graffiti
April 1, 2003 -
12:05 PM
[art] - Wayne Lytle's ANIMUSIC
April 1, 2003 -
11:18 AM
[art] - Robots have feelings too.... Worth repeated visits, huge portal-icous.