March 31, 2003 -
08:14 PM
[art] - Naoto Hattori. spectacular dark portfolio.
March 29, 2003 -
09:02 PM
[ahem] - Dog Island Free Forever
March 29, 2003 -
04:38 PM
[read] - Joel on Software - Finding an Office in New York City. oh what a marvellously conniving species we are.
March 29, 2003 -
03:40 PM
[quiz] - What Poetry Form Am I?. Apparantly i'm a haiku or a triolet, either of which are disgruntlingly accurate. A high non-sequitur ratio helps purity tests to succeed.
March 27, 2003 -
10:33 PM
[transport] - 'Expression of Dynamism' concepts, and some more mundane concept cars
March 27, 2003 -
06:49 PM
[read] - AlterNet: Kurt Vonnegut Vs. the !*!@
March 27, 2003 -
12:39 AM
March 26, 2003 -
06:55 PM
[art] - Giornale Nuovo: Art-Forms in Nature. stunning.
March 26, 2003 -
02:23 PM
[read] - unsure whether to buy the book? (you should). then read the forum: Engaged: Conference: inkwell.vue: Howard Rheingold
March 25, 2003 -
11:39 PM
[furniture] - stockholm furniture fair 2003: the greenhouse and hallb
March 25, 2003 -
02:35 PM
[blogs] - Recommended Reading [dive into mark], generator
March 25, 2003 -
12:11 PM
[read] - Will Wright at PC Forum 2003. cory's notes.
March 24, 2003 -
12:25 AM
[map] - Styles of Jazz
March 24, 2003 -
12:18 AM
[today's] Astronomy Picture of the Day is particularly good.
March 23, 2003 -
10:10 PM
[photography] - Instruments of Death
March 22, 2003 -
05:15 PM
[oogle] - A Better Google by 37signals. goes well with koogle, cthuugle, googlism, google fight and google labs
March 22, 2003 -
04:35 PM
[read] - SurLaLune Fairy Tales
March 22, 2003 -
03:43 PM
[architecture] - Shearing Layers excerpt.
March 22, 2003 -
03:09 AM
[patterns] - Carfree Cities
March 22, 2003 -
02:33 AM
March 22, 2003 -
12:30 AM
[art] - Pixelfreak
March 21, 2003 -
12:37 AM
[toys] - Sweatyfrog. (get a print fix of similar joy with giant robot magazine)
March 21, 2003 -
12:28 AM
[portfolio] - format design.
March 20, 2003 -
11:53 PM
[games] - retro Atari Coin-Op Flyers
March 20, 2003 -
09:17 PM
[photography] - life through a polaroid. "i take these images on the basis that its there to be photographed and not because i have to or because it should be". loops too.
March 20, 2003 -
08:14 PM
[sauna] - the typeface, the book. Underware
March 19, 2003 -
11:34 PM
[courage] - The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts. -- Bertrand Russell
March 19, 2003 -
11:58 AM
[art] - Adam Neate
March 18, 2003 -
12:51 AM
[art] - kelly mark's i really should and kate pemberton's endfile, via web zen. a particularly good batch.
March 18, 2003 -
12:43 AM
[maps] - pants
March 17, 2003 -
08:43 PM
[learn] - the third place
March 17, 2003 -
02:44 PM
[learn] - Emergent Democracy. The possible future needs potential tools. Adam adds a starting point
March 17, 2003 -
01:07 PM
March 17, 2003 -
01:19 AM
[art] - Tiffany Bozic | Paintings
March 16, 2003 -
11:15 PM
[art] - Stephen Metts' architectural fantasies. they sound fascinating from the globe&mail review; someone in Toronto go view them for me please,
March 14, 2003 -
12:43 PM
[art] - metal sculptures of Hamilton Dixon.
March 14, 2003 -
12:30 PM
[art] - Origami Boulder
March 12, 2003 -
10:23 PM
[games] - The Art of Urban Warfare
March 12, 2003 -
10:18 PM
March 12, 2003 -
10:00 PM
[print] - Another Poster for Peace
March 12, 2003 -
09:34 PM
[illustration] - Scary Girl
March 11, 2003 -
12:04 AM
[relax] - A Loafer's Manifesto and An Idler's Glossary
March 11, 2003 -
12:03 AM
[words] - lexical fun, google gloss
March 10, 2003 -
02:15 AM
[photography] - Hypercube Photo Gallery of Canada. spectacular, gigantic archive.
March 10, 2003 -
02:12 AM
[photography] - 2am Photography: night
March 10, 2003 -
02:04 AM
[art] - deluge random destroy all media. also geese.
March 09, 2003 -
12:38 PM
[crafty] - cross-stitch and petitpoint
March 09, 2003 -
12:27 PM
[humerus] - socially retarded teens
March 09, 2003 -
12:09 PM
[genius] - The Gashlycrumb Tinies - by Edward Gorey online in full. see also goreyography, merchandise, bibliography, and obit
March 08, 2003 -
11:02 PM
[furry] - neko fest. no herding, just the cats maam.
March 08, 2003 -
10:41 PM
[words] - Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary.
MAN, n.
An animal so lost in rapturous contemplation of what he thinks he is as to overlook what he indubitably ought to be. His chief occupation is extermination of other animals and his own species, which, however, multiplies with such insistent rapidity as to infest the whole habitable earth and Canada.
MAN, n.
An animal so lost in rapturous contemplation of what he thinks he is as to overlook what he indubitably ought to be. His chief occupation is extermination of other animals and his own species, which, however, multiplies with such insistent rapidity as to infest the whole habitable earth and Canada.
March 07, 2003 -
09:47 PM
[read] - Educational Paradigm - teaching models: transfer theory, shaping theory, growing theory, travelling theory
March 06, 2003 -
04:24 AM
[art] - marvelous batch up at explodingdog
March 05, 2003 -
11:54 PM
[toys] - Tractor
March 05, 2003 -
08:11 PM
[japan] - secret labyrinth/city?
March 05, 2003 -
01:11 PM
March 04, 2003 -
01:47 AM
[art] - Pascal Yelle's digital paintings. see detail.
March 04, 2003 -
01:24 AM
[books] - Top 50 Sci-Fi of the Last 50 Years
March 04, 2003 -
12:49 AM
[art] - what is outsider art?
March 04, 2003 -
12:43 AM
[art] - Modular Populous at tinmanalley.